This year, under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper!), a special session has been organized during the Jalsa Salana, focusing on Ta‘līm and Tarbiyat matters. This session will include a diverse panel who will be taking questions from the attendees of Jalsa Salana mainly on the theme of Effective Moral and Religious Training of our Membership in Canada.

As such, those members who wish to ask a question are encouraged to submit their questions using the following link.

This session will be conducted in English, and members can only submit questions via the provided link. We encourage you to start submitting your questions starting now. You can also vote on the questions to increase their likelihood of being answered first.

Due to the anticipated high volume of questions and limited time, we will focus on questions relevant to the topic and have the greatest impact on members. All the remaining questions will be responded to through various other forums, including the Ahmadiyya Gazette.

Members who wish to receive a reply, if their question is not addressed during the session, should provide their contact information for follow-up.