There is no doubt that in the religion of Islam, there is great emphasis on hospitality. We have the example of Hazrat Ibraheem (as) mentioned in the Quran that even when strangers came to see him, he went quietly to his household,
فَجَآءَ بِعِجۡلٍ سَمِیۡنٍ
He brought a fatted calf (51:27), and presented it to his guests. This is the lesson of kind treatment of guests that Hazrat Ibraheem (as) demonstrated. And we see the same example in the lives of all prophets, including the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). He is reported to have said:
الضِّيَافَةُ ثَلاَثَةُ أَيَّامٍ
“Hospitality is to be extended for at least 3 days,” and this is our practise in the Jama’at. In fact, in many cases, the hospitality extends for much longer than just 3 days.
There are countless examples from the life of the Promised Messiah (as) as well that show the great lengths he would go in order to properly take care of the guests who would come to visit him.
Hadhrat Badr Din sahib relates that once after Isha, he was out with his father that he saw the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) with a bowl of milk and some bread asking if any guest was hungry. When he was assured that no guest was hungry, he took both of them along and went to check in the guest house. Everyone there had also eaten. Later, man in a shop told the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that he wanted to have milk and bread and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) handed the bowl to him.
Hence, this is the standard in front of us and this should be our practise. There is no need for us to adopt practises which go against our basic expectations of hospitality.
Yes, this has been a challenge. Presently we have 196 Canadian male candidates compared with 332 female candidates.
However, counting from overall, based on candidates several countries the department of Rishta nata has 828 males and 757 females looking for a Rishta.
While still an exception, marriage outside Jama`at is more prevalent in boys. However, girls are also marrying outside Jama`at.
I find it important the conversation about marriage should start much earlier. Parents should talk with children about remaining with the community much earlier. This conversation should happen no later than secondary school & high school. Our values and importance of marriage within faith is to be emphasized, not only for the harmonious members of the Jama`at.
Islamic teachings of Haq Mehr (Dower money) is a reminder that women should have some financial independence. No other religion provides for such formalized financial responsibilities of the husband.
The Promised Messiah (as): Mehr is a right of the woman. Ideally, it should be paid at the time of Nikah; otherwise, it must be paid later. [Malfoozat Vol 3, pg. 606, New Edition]
So, Mehr is not necessarily to be paid at the time of Nikah. It is preferable that it is paid at that time. But, it is not compulsory.
Why it is not a requirement? The Sharia has not made it obligatory.
If it is not paid at the time of Nikah, it becomes a goodly loan to be paid, on demand.
I also want to take this opportunity to remove another concern. There is no amount fixed by the sharia. Mehr should be established by mutual consent of the two sides. However, it should be an amount that is reasonably payable by the groom. Exorbitant amounts are to be strongly discouraged.
Each year, preparation of the consolidated calendar of events Jama`at is a complex task. We are balancing requirements of two dozen departments and guanine needs of auxiliaries.
We have discussed this matter with the heads of Auxiliary Organizations with the desire to reduce the number of Jama`at and Auxiliary events so that attendance of these events does not become over-whelming.
On the part of the Jama`at, we have reduced events at National and Regional and local levels. We have invited the two male Auxiliaries (Ansar & Khuddam) to combine the monthly meetings with the Jama`at and be part of the planning process.
I encourage & welcome feedback from members about every aspect of the events. Particularly I would benefit from ideas on improvement in participation by members at all Jama`at events.
First of all, we should remember that proper upbringing and tarbiyyat of boys and girls is the responsibility of their parents. On one occasion, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his Helper) said:
“Affiliate young boys and girls to the Nizam-e-Jama’atand the auxiliaries so that they always give precedence to their faith. In this regard, mothers and fathers should fully cooperate with the Nizam-e-Jama’at or the auxiliary. If the mother and father show weakness, then it will be tantamount to killing their children.” (
In the same sermon from where this quotation is from, Huzoor also quoted the Holy Quran where Allah says:
یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا قُوۡۤا اَنۡفُسَکُمۡ وَ اَہۡلِیۡکُمۡ نَارًا
‘O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire…’ [Holy Quran 66:7]
Having said that, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya has taken on several initiatives for the tarbiyyat of its members.
For instance, a monthly Ijlas is held by every Majlis where various tarbiyyat topics are discussed. Similarly, for office bearers, Sohbat-e-Saliheen sessions are held with various respected elders of the Jama’at.
Question and Answer sessions are also held on many occasions, including recently at Regional Ijtema’aat and will be held at the National Ijtema’ as well.
Another initiative was the Fajr 40 initiative where across Canada, a campaign was done to have Khuddam join congregational Fajr prayers at Mosques and Namaz Centers. We saw a significant increase in attendance of Khuddam at Fajr prayer during this campaign.
Similarly, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya also participates in the Ashra Salat which is organized every six weeks and Khuddam are encouraged to come for Fajr and Ishaa prayers during the Ashra.
I would like to start with a quick clarification. In the Mulaqaat with Canadian Missionaries, Huzoor Anwar (may Allah be his Helper) stressed the importance of tarbiyyat of both men and women. He said that Missionaries should focus on the tarbiyyat of men and to make it a priority.
He said, “First reform the men, and then the Lajna shall follow.” (Al-Hakam:
There are various initiatives that Jama’at and Missionaries are taking for the tarbiyyat of men. For instance, for marriage matters, it is a requirement to hold pre-marital counselling sessions. Over the years, this process has become formalized and streamlined with many improvements.
There is also work in progress to introduce post-marital counselling sessions, Insha Allah.
Other than that, we have Islahi Committees established across Canada and they are also being formalized and strengthened in order to tackle these issues. An Islahi committee consists of the local Secretary Tarbiyyat (who is the Chair), Murabbi-e-Silsilah, Zaeem Majlis Ansarullah, Sadr sahiba Lajna Ima’illah, Qaid Majlis and a member appointed by Sadr Jama’at or Local Ameer. For preliminary help with any issues, members of this committee can be approached.
Islam lays the responsibility of providing for the family on the husband, as he is the head of the household.
The Holy Quran states:
اَلرِّجَالُ قَوّٰمُوۡنَ عَلَی النِّسَآءِ
“Men are guardians over women because Allah has made some of them excel others, and because they (men) spend of their wealth” (4:34)
So, it is men who are required in Islam to spend their wealth on their families. And this can be understood in light of responsibilities.
The primary responsibility of the man is to provide for the family. And the primary responsibility of the woman is to ensure the proper moral upbringing of young children in the family.
When these primary responsibilities are met, then they have the option of taking on other responsibilities. In the case of the mother, if her children are being taken care of in the best manner, it is only then that she can take on a job as a secondary responsibility.
But it must be remembered that this is not a requirement. And if taking on a job hurts the upbringing of children, Islam actually discourages such pursuits.
And another point to remember is that we live in a very materialistic age, where we seek things that are not really necessary. In fact, we may seek to get things that are detrimental to our happiness. Islam encourages families to adopt simplicity.
More often than not, those households where both the husband and wife are doing jobs are doing it in order to have a luxurious lifestyle, and if this is leading to neglect of children, then the entire exercise is futile and harmful.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his Helper) once stated: “It is not right to leave the home and neglect taking care of the children and the household only for the sake of earning more money” (
This is an excellent and important point for us to understand. The Holy Prophet (sa) has referred to the latter-day Messiah as one who forms “al-Jamaa’ah”
And he has defined the meaning of “al-Jamaa’ah,” when he was asked about it, he said: “It is a community based on my way and that of my companions”
So the question is: What way was being followed by the Holy Prophet (sa) and his companions? The answer is that the companions had one Imam and they were obedient to the Imam.
Hence, when we speak of “Nizam-e-Jama’at” we are talking about a community with one Imam, and that is Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his helper) and we are all following that single leader.
Sometimes, when an objection is raised, it seems like Jama’at is referenced like a separate entity and that is wrong. If we want to speak in a constructive way in which something can be improved, we should speak of how we can improve it, and not reference the Jama’at in the third person as if it is something different.
There are various avenues provided by the Jama’at for doing this. For instance, after the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, we have the institution of Majlis-e-Shura, which allows all members of the Jama’at to make proposals for how things can be improved. There is a comprehensive process for each and every member of the Jama’at to make formal proposals, which are voted open, and then sent to Markaz by majority vote for discussion at the National Majlis-e-Shura.
Similarly, we have office bearers of the Jama’at and auxiliaries who can be approached for day-to-day matters and they take suggestions for improvements.
In all such cases, when we make suggestions, we should keep it in mind that the greatest change begin within our own selves.
Allah says in the Holy Quran:
اِنَّ اللّٰہَ لَا یُغَیِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتّٰی یُغَیِّرُوۡا مَا بِاَنۡفُسِہِمۡ
“Surely, Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change that which is in their own selves” (13:12)
Finally, when making suggestions, we should not be arrogant about our opinions. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his Helper) once stated as advice to Shura members: “You should act with the utmost humility and never think that your opinion holds greater weight than others.” (
As far as the fundamentals of Islam are concerned, the expectations from men and women are very similar. All Muslims should try their utmost to connect to God Almighty and that is the ultimate goal of all of our activities.
For instance, the most basic and fundamental commandment is to offer the five daily prayers. Both boys and girls, men and women are expected to offer their prayers diligently. That is essential.
As far as going to the prom is concerned, the Jama’at discourages participation by both boys and girls. There shouldn’t be any difference here between boys and girls.
This is because it is an activity that can take us closer to zina or adultery.
The Quran states:
وَلَا تَقۡرَبُوا الزِّنٰۤی اِنَّہٗ کَانَ فَاحِشَۃً
“And come not near unto adultery; surely, it is a foul thing” (17:32).
So, a place where there is no modesty, or purdah, and is an unislamic gathering, Ahmadi Muslims should avoid going to it.
Speaking of this in broader terms, having good company is very important in Islam. If we spend time in company or in a gathering that is unislamic or has many unislamic practices, it is going to impact our spirituality.
Islam tells us to seek those gatherings where our spirituality can improve as Allah says:
یٰٓاَیُّھَاالَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوااتَّقُواللّٰہَ وَکُوْنُوْامَعَ الصّٰدقِیْنَ
[9:119] O ye who believe! fear Allah and be with the truthful.As far as strictness is concerned, we must remember that based on the nature and responsibilities of men and women, there are different expectations in some cases. For instance, men are expected to offer prayers in congregation at the Mosque or Salat center, but women are given some leniency especially if they have young children which need their attention.
This is just one example among many where there is great strictness or greater expectation from men.
But, at the end of the day, our true purpose is to connect to God, and in that regard, men and women are equal.
It is recommended and meritorious for the neighbors and relatives of a household that has experienced a death to arrange for two meals on that day for the family of the deceased and to insistently feed them while sitting with them. If needed, it is also permissible to provide food for up to three days. Feeding the family of the deceased is not because it is forbidden to cook food in the house of the deceased or for the family of the deceased, but because, due to grief, sorrow, and the preoccupation with funeral arrangements, they may not have the opportunity to cook. Therefore, if the family of the deceased prepares food for themselves on that day, it is permissible.
On the occasion of the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) cousin, Ja’far (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace be upon him) instructed the people to prepare food for the family of Ja’far because they had received news that would occupy them (meaning the news of Ja’far’s martyrdom would preoccupy them with grief and sorrow, preventing them from arranging food).
However, this food is solely for the family of the deceased and not for the entire community or tribe. Those offering condolences should return to their own homes and should not stay in the house of the deceased or partake in any feasts there.
انما الاعمال بالنیات
**Actions are judged by intentions.**
Sending food should not be for show off. If you have the means, then send food. If not, it is not necessary to put yourself under unnecessary pressure to send food. By the grace of Allah, food can also be sent to such homes as a community. In Rabwah, this is routinely done by the Mohalla administration through Dar-ul-Ziafat.
The best way to do offer the condolence is the way which was taught to us by our beloved master the Holy Prophet (saw).
When you hear the news of someone’s death, say the words “Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’un,” which means “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” you should visit the relatives of the deceased to offer condolences, comfort them, and encourage them to be patient. Provide solace by giving examples from the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). When sitting near the deceased, you should only speak words of goodness and avoid other conversations.
As for this question, our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper), has also guided us. The point is that the Holy Quran has clearly stated who the twelve relations are that are considered mahram and from whom hijab is not required. Any relationship beyond these is considered non-mahram, no matter how dear or how long the relationship has been.
In Surah An-Nur, verse 32, these relationships are specified. Family friends or the husband’s friends do not fall under these twelve relationships. Therefore, it is necessary to observe Parda with them. If we want to hold such family gatherings, we may do so, but there should be separate arrangements for men and women to avoid any violation of hijab and to prevent any improper situations.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) answered this question by saying that nowadays, accusations arise within family relationships, leading to distances. These family gatherings under the guise of family friends are not a part of Western culture; rather, they have emerged due to a distance from religion. We need to reform these practices, not become a part of them.
Huzoor (may Allah be his helper) also said that evils can arise and are indeed arising under the guise of family friends, which are reported to me. However, people later regret and realize that nothing can be done about it.
The basic thing is that our every action should be based on Taqwa. This is the teaching that we find in the Holy Quran and Ahadith and this is the expectation that Hazrat Promised Messiah (as) has from his followers.
The Holy Prophet (saw) has guided us in this regard and if we follow this guidance then many of our problem will be solved and we will be able to become thankful servant of God.l
وَعَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ – رضي الله عنه – قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم: «انْظُرُوا إِلَى مَنْ هُوَ أَسْفَلَ مِنْكُمْ, وَلَا تَنْظُرُوا إِلَى مَنْ هُوَ فَوْقَكُمْ, فَهُوَ أَجْدَرُ أَنْ لَا تَزْدَرُوا نِعْمَةَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ». مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ. (1)
ترجمه: ابو ہریرۃ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول اللہ ﷺ نے فرمایا اس شخص کی طرف دیکھو جو تم سے نیچے ہے اور اس شخص کی طرف نہ دیکھو جو تم سے اوپر ہے یہ زیادہ لائق ہے کہ تم اللہ کی اس نعمت کو حقیر نہ جانو جو تم پر ہے
اسی طرح ایک موقع پر فرمایا
On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Look at those who are below you and do not look at those who are above you, for it is more suitable that you do not belittle the blessings of Allah upon you.” [Agreed upon]
This conversation was related to worldly matters. Regarding religious matters, our attitude should be the opposite. In this regard, our focus should be on those who are above us, not those below us. Excelling and competing in good deeds is what we are commanded to do.
“فاستبقوا الخیرات” (Al-Ma’idah)
Translation: “So race to [all that is] good.”
لا حسدَ إلاَّ في اثنتَينِ : رجلٌ آتاهُ اللهُ القرآنَ فهو يقومُ به آناءَ الليلِ وآناءَ النهارِ, ورجلٌ آتاهُ اللهُ مالاً فهو يُنْفِقُهُ آناءَ الليلِ و النهارِ.
الراوي: أبو هريرة المحدث: البخاري – المصدر: خلق أفعال العباد
“There is no envy except in two cases: a man whom Allah has given the Quran and he recites it during the hours of the night and the hours of the day, and a man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it during the hours of the night and the hours of the day.”
Narrated by Abu Huraira, authenticated by Bukhari – Source: Khalq Af’aal Al-Ibaad.
FRIDAY SERMON Jan 30, 2004 – Surat Al Noor Chap 24 verses 31, 32 –
Allah tala gave the instructions of eradicating the root of immodesty and sins in society by giving the instructions for males first and then females to keep their gaze low. Hazrat Masih Maud (as) also explained this in his tafseer the great and positive impact of this in the society.
Hazrat Abu Umamah (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) stated: If a Muslim man happens to look at a woman’s beauty and then chooses to lower his gaze, Allah enables him to carry out such worship that he feels its sweetness.
We can certainly witness how the world ruptured the decency, morality, inner peace, and families by promoting the lustful gazes in our everyday life and bombarding the promotion through media and other means.
Gathered input from Jama’ats departments and auxiliary organizations for male members. We have some coverage of this topic for male members and this will be improved as per these details
- Khuddam talks & presentations were given around un-Islamic traditions & identity of an Ahmadi Khadim at certain khuddam events
- Qaidin were given awareness about how to incorporate this during their visits to khuddam.
- More presentations will be considered in the upcoming Ijlasat Am and Grade 10 Tarbiyati Camp and Ansar programs and Ijtimaat
- Will start covering this topic in Nasir Academy, Friday Sermons and Daroos
Huzoor e Anwar (aa) guided on numerous occasions and there is a book also (Social Media – Gave Daroos based on Shura Proposal last year from this book)
Nowadays most of the schools and jobs ask for permission and consent to take the pictures and then if they can use it for social media.
Therefore we must use the choice and avoid it. However if the situation where we cannot avoid it then as per Huzoor e Anwar (aa) guidance to Ljana Imaillah
- Try to be not in the picture
- If you have to do it then observe proper purdah
- Inform Local Sadr Lajna
We should be aware that META owns the pictures and they can use them for their advertisements or other purposes. And these pictures are sometimes abused by corrupt people for extremely wrong purposes.
- Quran in Arabic and have many details
- School Teachers are more practical as compared to us
- Hazrat Muhammad saw Hadith about women of Medina – Describing the islamic guidelines about women’s monthly cycle (menstruation) finishes and other pertinent matters
‘A’isha ra said: How good are the women of Ansar (helpers) that their shyness does not prevent them from learning religion.
- Tarbiyat department requested guidance about it in meeting with Huzoor aa and his guidance is to start teaching in controlled environment by specific teachers
- Adopted it recently “Parents guide for un-Islamic perspective on Ontario’s Health Curriculum developed by Tarbiyat department“ (Show booklet) in schools scenarios for alternative lifestyle with respect to each grade” in classes of AES and Nasir Academy. ENHANCE IT FURTHER for other specifics. Very positive feedback received so far Alhamdulillah
- Talim department just launched where anonymous help can be requested for any issues in schools under health curriculum and islamophobia – Requires same login which we use to pay chanda on amj finance chanda payment portal
Huzoor (aa) latest guidance to Sec sahib Talim and Atfal
Surat Al-Nisa Chap 4 Verse 129
And if a woman fear ill treatment or indifference on the part of her husband, it shall be no sin on them that they be suitably reconciled to each other; and reconciliation is best. And people are prone to covetousness. If you do good and are righteous, surely Allah is aware of what you do.
Surat Luqman Chap 31 verses 18 to 20
‘O my dear son! observe Prayer, and enjoin good, and forbid evil, and endure patiently whatever may befall thee. Surely this is of those matters which require firm resolve. ‘And turn not thy cheek away from people in pride nor walk in the earth haughtily; Surely, Allah loves not any arrogant boaster. ‘And walk thou at a moderate pace, and lower thy voice; verily, the most disagreeable of voices is the voice of the donkey.’
Hadith – The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down.
To educate male members on emotional regulation, gathered input from Jama’ats departments and auxiliary organizations for male members. We have some ONGOING of this topic for male members which can be enhanced as per these details
- Huzoor (aa) providing frequent guidance about it. Most importantly all of us must benefit from it
- Right now we are covering in Pre-marital counseling under 4 different topics (Show booklet)
- MKAC held parents info sessions across Canada this year. One of the themes presented was dealing with emotional challenges & maintaining peace at home. This was presented by a seasoned psychiatrist.
- Ansarullah a few years ago, developed Talim syllabus around it and Amir sahib gave the National Ijtema speech.
- Insha’Allah this will be further covered at future events of Ansar, Khuddam and Grade 10 Tarbiyati Camp
- Friday sermons and Daroos
Thank you for raising this important question regarding mental health and special educational learning in Ahmadiyya elementary schools. This is indeed an important issue, and we share your concern.
At AES Calgary we have accommodated some students with special needs with the support of the local government there.
These students are assessed and put on Individualized Program Plans (IPPs), leading to the hiring of one teacher for every 1-2 special needs students.
Private agencies also conduct assessments on these students, with each visit costing up to $1000, covered by government funding.
Currently, our AES Mississauga and Barrie school does not have the resources to provide specialized support for children with different learning abilities.
Alhamdolillah we started taking care of this as we have SEND area and Nizamat in Jalsa Salana and as well as in Lajna Imaillah and Khuddamul Ahmadiyya the work is being done.
The Holy Qur’an guides us: “Vie with one another in good works” (2.149).
But we should question, why we are vying for goodness. Is it for personal glory and receive appreciation from people.
Promised Messiah (as) guided that: “A righteous deed is a ladder to rise towards Islam and God….” (… Friday-sermon/2017-10-27)
Therefore, any good we perform should be done with humility and for the good of the humanity.
Connection with membership is very important. For the past few years COVID reduced the human connection. It is important we meet people from all background beyond the immediate family circle. Meeting members will help us develop personal relationships.
The Promised Messiah (as) said: I advise my community to avoid arrogance because arrogance is extremely detestable in the eyes of our Lord of Glory. A person who does not want to listen to his brother with humility and turns his face away has also taken a share in arrogance. (Nazool Masih)
We want office holders to humble.
We are a religious organization established to fulfill two objectives:
If we sincerely focus upon fulfilling both the rights of God and of His creation, then we will become successful and can be counted amongst the true believers.
Syedna Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper!) has been advising the office bearers on numerous occasions that they should consider themselves as servants of the Jama`at and the fact, that they have been assigned an office, should make them feel humble.
The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) depicting the virtue of humbleness.
Bad Tar Bano Har Aik se Apne Khayal Mein
Shayad Isi se Dakhl ho Darul Wisal Mein
At another place he said:
Jo Khak mein Mile Usay Milta Hay Aashna
Aey Aazmane Wale Ye Nuskha Bhi Aazma
Below is an English rendering of one couplet:
The love of the beloved God is
Truly realized by one who
Negates oneself with humility!
O you who seek the love of God
Do avail of this antidote as well!
This is the message we convey to all office holders.
We hold Refresher Courses for Tarbiyat & knowledge of Amila Members. In addition to guidance regarding their respective Departments, discussions on public relations and how to interact with colleagues and members are also included. It is incumbent upon each Office Bearer to display a higher level of courtesy and humility while dealing with the members.
The assumption that Islam prescribed a culture, cuisine or attire is not correct. If there was any truth to this every one of us would be wearing attire from Arabia or eating that cuisine.
Islam provides values to be adopted. The Holy Qur’an guides that the dress should provide protection from elements, heat and cold; it should cover our bodies decently and be a source of elegance, source of beauty. [7:27] Islam does not prohibit us from using the clothing of any geographical region or cultural background.
Therefore, we must differentiate between Islam’s guidance on dress and cultural preferences. An Ahmadi Muslim is not required to adopt a particular clothing just because some of the Ahmadi Muslims in Canada use Pakistan dress.
However here I must caution. The Holy Prophet (sa) has guided us in this respect by saying: “A person, who copies/who imitates the ways of a certain people, becomes one of them.”
These certain people are those who have conflicting values to Islam.
It is a great psychological advice, because in such a case, one starts liking everything belonging to them, related to their culture.
Sometimes youth adopt stylish haircuts, blindly following other youth, just to look cool. That sentiment is not correct.
We as Ahmadi Muslims should choose for us what is good for us, we should not blindly imitate others.
The literal statement “Islam allows marriage between people of the Book” is correct. The specific prohibition is marrying idolators or those who do not believe in the unity of Gid
Conversion for the sake of marriage is denounced. Joining the fold of Islam and accepting the Messiah of our age as our Imam should be based on the religious conviction and not for any ulterior motives.
The questioner may have noticed Nikah of an Ahmadi girl with a convert. If a Non-Muslim accepts Islam, his or her Nikah with an Ahmadi Muslim is normal. But, we should not infer that the convert has accepted Islam for purpose of getting married to a Muslim.
We are a community of the Imam of the Age, the Promised Messiah (as). Most of the Muslims have either ignored his call or have rejected it. The Promised Messiah (as) has instructed us to marry within the Jama`at to safeguard our faith and the faith of our future generations.
If a member ignores this guidance and without permission marries a non-Ahmadi, he is violating the discipline of the Jama`at. He has gone back on the pledge of his Bai`at.
We are responsible for safeguarding the values of the Jama`at.
It is for this reason that we strongly encourage members to establish familial relationships within the community. Administrative actions against individuals should be considered reformative measures for safeguarding the community.
- Yes, it is true that attendance of our in-person local monthly programs has not returned to pre-COVID levels. You have mentioned two reasons: 1. People say they are too busy 2. They prefer to have online meetings on Zoom etc.
Let us take the first case, being too busy. It simply means the persons has more important matters to attend, the monthly meeting is not that important. Such persons do not think that it is any good going to a Jama`at or Auxiliary meeting. So, what is needed is to make the member realize that as we need food at regular interval, so do we need regular spiritual nourishment. A person who values spiritual aspect of his/her life, would never say, I am too busy to attend a Jama`at meeting.
Those who would prefer online meeting are forgetting the benefit of social get-together, which Islam emphasizes. Islam lays so much emphasis on Salaat in congregation. Why? It asks us to pray daily in the local mosque or prayer center and asks us to pray once every week in the Jami` Mosque i.e. a large mosque, where everyone from the city assembles to pray. Therefore, online meetings are good facilty for an Amila meeting or a committee meeting but not a substitute for a community meeting.
We are a community of the Imam of the Age, the Promised Messiah (as). The majority of the Muslims have either ignored his call or have rejected it. The Imam of Age (as) has instructed us to marry within the Jama`at to safeguard our faith and the faith of our future generations. If a member ignores this guidance and marries a non-Ahmadi, he is violating the discipline of the Jama`at. He has gone back on the pledge of his Bai`at. To participate, in the marriage events of such a person, would mean that we are encouraging such practice. In such cases, when permission has been sought for such a marriage, the family members and the near relations are permitted to join. But the office bearers are advised not to join, because doing otherwise would nullify the restriction on marrying with non Ahmadis.